Monday, June 17, 2013

the boys in Texas

A big storm in Louisville caused Marcus and James' flight to be delayed yesterday.  They made it to Dallas but had to stay there overnight.  The adventure continues!!!
A Texax-sized breakfast
Now a big storm in Dallas has their morning flight delayed!
Meeting up with Uncle Tom in the Dallas airport
(he lives in Texas)
update: James taking a little nap before the (rescheduled) flight
(don't know why the pic is distorted! sorry grammae!)
1pm and still in Texas
(good news is: I see Marcus is having James
do his summer-school math)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

James in the Midwest

 Looks like James is having a great time with daddy, at Marcus' cousin's wedding....

(Marcus knows I would want to see the dessert.)

Thursday, June 13, 2013

While I was blogging....

This is what is going on next to me right now as I type....

Rock Museum

Bunny is obviously totally bored now that we're on our 2nd month without full-on schooling.  Yesterday she put together a rock museum for us:

The museum patrons enjoyed all the detailed
descriptions of the specimens.

Unfortunately, no babies or dogs allowed.

The Rock Museum is a limited-time engagement and is scheduled to move on to the next venue tomorrow.  We are all excited to see what will come to the area next!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

more pics of naptime

 This is how I found James the other day....

Right now, he is on a plane to Indiana--we will miss him!!  He and Marcus are going to a cousin's wedding in Ohio, perfect to visit with relatives and enjoy time together.  We're here holding down the fort (with the help of Mrs. N) and enjoying unscheduled time for a change.  It's normal for Marcus to be gone on a trip, but not BOTH of the guys!  Seddy has some big shoes to fill this week, as the man of the house....

Sweet Gemma

Gemma is such a sweet girl (when she's sleeping)...

the other day

January 2010

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

a visit with great-papa

Over Memorial Day weekend we had a nice visit with Marcus' dad's father, who we call Grandpa C___ and the kids call Great-Papa.  Great-Papa is sick with cancer but still up to seeing visitors, and didn't forget to give the kids a special treat--a gold dollar coin.  :o)

Uncle Pat (by Marcus) has been in town helping give
care to his dad.

a prayer before ending our visit

If you are so inclined, please keep Bob C__ and his family in your prayers, as Bob enters this final stage of his life.  Thanks!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Stinker with lime

My little helper, taking care of the compost for me....

Monday, June 3, 2013

more fun with grandma and grandpa

All good things must come to an end.  Grandma and Grandpa have been back in Ohio for a few weeks now, but we're still remembering all the fun we had:
grandma taught Bunny how to knit

the last evening:  dinner at the Cruise-In Country Diner
Seddy liked the chocolate malt.
A trip to our "new" library (our local one is being remodeled
for one year(!) so we go to the Main Library's farther
for us, but the Main Library is so very nice!).

had to get a manicure in
grandpa worked on projects right up to the
end--this is a bat house
I had been needing a shelf system near the
dog wash station for 2 years now (coincidentally
for as long has Gemma has been walking, and
getting into the soap bottles....).
As always, we had a fantastic time with grandma and grandpa, and we are already planning what we will do when they come out to visit again!