When the kids were younger (and fewer) we used to take them to at least one high school football game per season. I think it was when Mariposa was a preschooler that we realized that this tradition wasn't fun anymore. :o) And of course with sweet Gemma...and now Sedric...well, going as a family to a game is out of the question. (Although I bet a viral YouTube video could come out of it...just imagine, "Three-year-old runs out on the field and starts bossing around the players while baby brother runs away with the ball...")
But I still really want my kids to experience high school football games and all that comes with them. I have such great memories of football! And being homeschooled, the kids can't really be exposed to the fun of a game unless we arrange for it. So last month Marcus encouraged me to take the oldest 2 to his old stomping ground, Hare Field, to watch his alma mater's homecoming game.
You may notice that we made a stop at Starbux before heading to the stadium. That was part of the package. Or it was just for my benefit. Either one. |
Kids can only sit still for so long, so we brought a football to toss around. James throws a mean spiral, and Bunny has a strong arm, too! |
Some "real" football players joined us, what a treat! These guys were academically ineligible (darn algebra). They stayed with us for a long time, probably 20 minutes, and they were so kind to the kids, I can't even begin to tell you how sweet it was to see these big guys playing around with pee wees. |
The kids didn't believe me when I told them that their daddy used to be the one on the stand, directing the band.... |
What a fun time, so glad we reinstated this tradition (even if with just a few kids). A few weeks later Marcus got to take them to an away game, so they got to see a new stadium/band/team as well. Bunny paid close attention to the games--gearing up for her big Notre Dame trip next week! :o)