Monday, December 8, 2014

Celeste's 3rd and 4th week

Marcus likes to measure the kids every once
in a while…we keep the board in the closet
under the stairs.

Grammae and papa came for a visit and brought dinner for
all of us, after the initial rush of dinners-from-friends died
down.  It was greatly appreciated! 

At Mass we often play "Pass The Baby."  Eamon
and his family especially enjoy holding our
babies year after year!! 

(This green outfit is our "going home" outfit for each of the 5
other kids…for Celeste, it is an "already at home!" outfit….)
Command Central for November--lists of all the things that
mama does (and probably goes unnoticed!) that mama didn't
have time or energy to do.  Everyone pitched in to help!!
(The poster is down now since I'm "back to work" as they say.)

1 comment:

  1. I like your measuring stick, I still have to do a blog post on the one we made! I also notice Mariposa's awesome tshirt, I don't even know if I have mine anymore (sorry Mary/Justin!).

    Also I'm impressed (but not surprised) that you were so organized with the chore poster--it's sounds like everyone is so helpful.
