Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mariposa's tooth bug

Mariposa had to make an extra trip to the dentist to get a "tooth bug" (aka a cavity) fixed. Poor girl must have her mother's teeth, or at least her mother's love for sweets. Unfortunately this visit didn't start out very well. First, she didn't even want to get in the chair. Luckily I brought the iPad so that distracted her enough to get her comfortable in the chair, but then she wouldn't open her mouth.

So eventually we got her in the chair (number one), then to open her mouth (number two), then to allow a finger in her mouth (number three). We practiced with the "alien nose" by using Star Wars references.

Ok, so we got numbers 1-3 down, and even number four (mirror in the mouth).

At this point, Marcus came after running errands, and he had a special friend with him--Princess Ariana. We worked on number five (mask on forehead) and number six (mask on nose) until finally they got enough laughing gas in her that she was calm. Notice the time on the clock. Our appointment started at TEN twenty.

I retreated to the lobby to watch the rest of the kids. I guess it went ok, although I did hear some crying and Marcus saying, "Number two! Number two!"
Papa had a cleaning at the same time, so Mariposa showed off her fixed tooth to him and all of us when she was all finished:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Poor MariP! Tell her that she shouldnt worry because uncle Justin has about three teeth bugs. But he doesn't really floss. Just don't tell her the last part.

  2. hahahahahhahahaa...number 2! number 2! i think i've said that to myself a few times....j

  3. MariP got laughing gas!?!? that lucky girl! They just give me big shots everytime I have a tooth bug!
