Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chix pix

Don't worry, grammae, we always wash our hands after playing with the chicks.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh so cute! Love those babies!!

  2. MariP looks so big in that photo of her kneeling on the stool! I'm not sure why, she just looks old.

    any dead chix yet?

  3. You are making me want chicks!!! I guess we can have them in Denver if we get our neighbors to sign something that says they are ok with it.

  4. They're super easy, OR you can have fun making complicated coops/runs etc. Read "Keep Chickens" by Barbara kilarski on urban/suburban chicken keeping (Angela, I heard about the book from you at a MTO years ago!). You will really want chickens after reading that book!

  5. Another tip...have dad come out and help set everything up!
