Wednesday, January 23, 2013

James, published author

Letter-writing is a big part of our homeschool.  I love having the kids write letters because it helps them with their dictation and handwriting, and gets them thinking about what is going on in their lives and about the person they are writing to.  As part of our lessons, Bunny writes one letter a week independently, and James writes one letter a week with me by his side.  Before Christmas he chose to write a "letter" to our local newspaper in answer to a question that was posed in the kid section.  He was chosen to be published!  Here's his answer to "What is a gift you can give that doesn't cost any money?"

Good job, James!


  1. That's exciting! And what a great idea for a gift! Good job, James.

  2. Great answer, James! Very thoughtful.

    Do you think the kids would like to write me a letter sometime as part of homeschool?

    1. Absolutely they would like to write to you! I will encourage it... ;o)

  3. Who else do they normally write to? Are Bunny and Katie still pen pals?

    1. Bunny writes to Katie, her friend Josie, our "adopted" friend in El Salvador, and any relative. She just wrote to gr.gma Chr. in Ottawa Lake. James writes to his friends or relatives. I think his last letter was to Greyson. :o)

  4. That's adorable! When are they gonna get email? Carter's 12-13 year old nieces/nephews have it, I've always wondered how old kids get email these days.

  5. Good job James! Maybe he could write to Evan. I'm sure Evan would get a kick out of it!
