Thursday, April 28, 2011


The big day finally came...we got chicks! Our local Coastal store was done selling chicks for the season, so we tried Wilco in Cornelius. Jackpot!

We chose 3 of each: Americauna, Barred Rock, Black Sex Link, Rhode Island Red, and Buff Orpington. Quick math--that's 15 chickens.

They all lay brown eggs except one lays green eggs. Now we just need a pig.

Look at these cute to-go boxes!

The chicks in their new home. We are going green (ok, cheap)(or should I say cheep?) using layers of newspaper covered with shredded newspaper.

Gemma just loves them. James loves that he's "old enough" to hold a chick without help. Mariposa can't, and that frustrates her, but she is happy to watch the RI Reds (her favorite, can you guess why?). Bunny has taken charge and is already a real mother hen. She even named one Princess Laya. Aidan thinks we should name one Darth Layer. Grammae likes Yolk Skywalker.

They are doing well and seem happy and healthy. They made it through the night so that is good, except Marcus thought they were dead (the brooder looked like a chickie Jonestown, minus the red Kool-Aid). Now we know that's just how chicks sleep when they're happy.

The livestock adventure begins!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Awesome! I can't wait to see the chicks in a couple weeks.

  2. OMG the kids look SO HAPPY!!!!!!!! I can't wait to follow the chicks' progress! (just don't eat them)

  3. some of you may notice we got good dual-purpose breeds....

  4. Are they straight run or all females?

  5. mom--hopefully all pullets, but I had lots of questions for dad on what would happen if we got a rooster (he was sick of me asking so many questions, he kept telling me to look in up on the internet)

    Aunt Christine--cow(s) are in the 5-year plan...ok, maybe 10-year plan. Carter told us about mini cows so we might look into that. 7 acres seems like a lot of land but it sure gets used up fast (orchards, house, horses, chickens, yard, bball court, pasture...)

  6. Christine. They're too young to know "where's the beef?" Jerry is probably the only one to remember.

  7. Becky - you wouldn't get much beef from a mini cow.

  8. The chickys look like they are very happy at there new home.

    Love Aidan
