Friday, July 6, 2012

I won!

Guess what? I just won a giveaway contest!

One of the few non-family blogs I follow is Sarah is a wonderful writer and photographer with a young Catholic family similar to mine, and her wit and wisdom has been greatly enjoyed. While MY blog is mostly a way to share photos with family and friends, HER blog is for everyone and is filled with recipes, curriculum and book advice, and just plain ol' great articles on homemaking and homeschooling. (I got the ice cream cake recipe from her blog, yum! My Oregon family who enjoyed it at our last family dinner know what I'm talking about!)

Anyway, Sarah posted about one of her favorite pieces of curriculum, the IEW program. I had heard about this writing program through other members in my homeschool group, but had not yet fully looked into it for my family. Well, Sarah's post had a giveaway, and somehow my name was chosen! Yay! Now I can try it!! I bet I will LOVE it, from the glowing reviews by Sarah and my friends.

So thank you, Sarah and IEW!

Sarah's post about IEW:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Wow - you lucky dog! How exciting! I entered too. If it couldn't be me winning, I am glad it was someone I know!

  2. That's so exciting! I always enter giveaways on one of the blogs I read, but never win...I checked out Sarah's blog and browsed some things. I found her housework list and love it! I think I'm going to adopt it for around here. I've seen some lists like it, but they always seem like too much or they don't fit with what we have going here at our house. I found the ice cream cake recipe too and bookmarked it :-)
