Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sedric's 2-week appointment

Sedric had his 2-week appointment the other day, back at the birth center. I asked James to come with me to help with my diaper bag, etc., and he was very happy to come. I was grateful for his help!

At this appointment he was checked over--belly button looks good, he has been nursing and sleeping well (very well) and has been alert more also. He got his second dose of vitamin K and had his heel pricked for his PKU test. He is 9 pounds 6 ounces which means he's gaining well. He would probably gain even more if he didn't sleep so much, but I'm not complaining about how good he sleeps! (he usually goes 3+ hours for his nighttime stretches which is not "normal" for my babies). I was thinking last night, as he was sleeping on my chest, wow he feels heavy. Then I realized that Bunny wasn't this big until she was 6-8 weeks old...not 2 weeks! :o)

Sedric is just a cutie and he is so sweet. He likes hanging out with us, especially with Marcus or Mariposa, and he loves the sling. We are a lucky family to have such an awesome son/brother!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Oh, thank you for the pictures and update! He is sooooo cute!

  2. I like that the brothers went together. He kind of looks like a baby bernadette!
