Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Flower girl

Some pictures from a wedding a few weekends ago, where Mariposa was a flower girl:

We know the bride's family through choir (the dad sings) and other church activities. I don't know the bride well but she is a VERY sweet girl and all the girls were so kind to Mariposa. They included her in all the "bridesmaid" activities like painting nails, curling hair, dancing at the reception, getting their photos taken at the photo booth.... Brooke, the bride, even gave Mariposa a beautiful music box. Mariposa has slept with it ever since.... :o)

So I guess I have flower girl for hire, just in case any of my faithful readers might need one in the future.... ;o)

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  1. Marpiosa, you look BEAUTIFUL!!

    The bride and groom look like complete BABIES! Are they very young?

  2. :o). They just graduated from college but yes they look very young, especially the groom! Did I look that young when I got married???

  3. Mariposa is a beautiful flower girl! My precious MariP!

  4. Is that the music box she is holding? So cute!!
