Monday, September 15, 2014

Garden Tour--best pics of 2014

Here is a garden tour from the very beginning of August this year.  These are probably the best pictures of the year, since these were taken before the totally chaotic month continued and the garden watering stopped.  :o(  Ah, that happens some years, and it's OK.  We've still enjoyed the garden immensely even as it declined in the end of August and into September.  These pictures will remind me how nice it once was…  :o)

View from our kitchen deck
Gemma always likes being in the garden
with me
a little of the harvest (she helped me plant these eggplants)
At this point, the tomatoes were growing well but still
no ripe ones (of the large varieties at least).
This volunteer sunflower has been amazing
us all summer!
I really like flowers.
Zinnias are among my favorites.
Looking back, I wouldn't change a thing!  (Except to water more.)  We had a lot of fun planning and planting, and I love seeing the flowers change every week.  Keeping up with the deadheading was a chore but it was nice to putz around in the garden doing that.  I think we will invest in some sprinklers next year, at the advice of my dad.  :o)  And I'll probably plant even more flowers and less vegetables.  It's hard to keep up with the harvesting, but easy to take a stroll outside and clip some colorful beauties for the table and windowsills.

1 comment:

  1. check out their irrigation kits. sooooo awesome!
