Thursday, May 15, 2014

Garden season

It may not be a surprise to hear that I planned to finish our school in early May so that I could be out in the garden this month!!  Good timing, too, since this week we've had fantastic weather.  Here's a glimpse of what we have going right now:
I need to plant my raised bed (herbs and flowers this year)
and when we get the bike shed, the honeysuckle and
hydrangea will be planted at the perimeter.
"just a few" flowers to plant (these aren't even any of my vegs)
peas are doing well
Our onion harvest that overwintered...Marcus had to pull them
up so he could till the gardens.
A glimpse of the tilled garden.  Hood strawberry plants are
on the left side of the fence, and perennials all along the other
side (you can see some purple and yellow columbine.  This
year we will have perennials and annuals all along the garage wall.
Honeysuckle along back fence.

Look!  Do you see what's hiding in my strawberry patch???
With this hot weather, it won't take long....
Some more varieties of my lilacs are coming on.
tiny cherry
blueberries are looking good (plants are still small though)
You can see the 3-tier strawberry patch on the left.
We're looking to redo this 2nd level area, hopefully this
summer.  I'd like to take out the lawn, add a small 3-sided
"tea house" (to be like a playhouse/theater), and expand the
bark play area a little bit.
My babies are liking the sunshine and hot weather.
(My first time starting tomatoes from seed; I saved seeds
from my heirlooms last year.)


  1. Strawberries already? I just pulled my sweatpants and sweaters back out - brrrr! Hopefully next week will be better!

    1. The kids just ate their first strawberries of the season tonight. :o) They found about 5 red ones. We've had hot weather for a few days, just enough to get them going, but we'll be cool for a week so the strawberries will be on hold for then. :o) Becky
