Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A day in pictures

Kids choosing baby names after lunch:

Marcus on raccoon patrol:

Actively hunting the raccoon:

Chickens in the garden. Yes, Gemma is half naked, but she has boots on so it's ok.

Emperor Cluckpatine:

Where's Gemma?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. so many questions!! hehehe

    what's Gemma doing behind the tree?

    Do you put chickens in the garden on purpose to fertilize? (or would they eat all your new sprouts?)

    is picking baby names part of homeschooling?

    why did marcus choose the middle of the day to hunt the raccoon? doesn't he know they are nocturnal or crepuscular? why did he want to kill it anyways, was it getting into the garden and/or eating chickens?

  2. ps it's SO GREEN there! Your lawn looks awesome!

  3. Auntie Erica, I am going to answer your questions one at a time. 1. I think Gemma was just playing behind the tree. 2. We put the chickens in the garden to fertilize and to eat slugs but they did get into the strawberries, moms plants, and the sweet peas. But other than that they were good chickys.3.Nope, picking baby names was not part school but I thought it would be fun.4.There was a massive raccoon near our house while the chickens were in the garden!!!!!!!! ( raccoons eat chickens!!!!!!!! ) So my dad got out his gun but did not get it. ( Bad raccoon!!!!!!!! ) We played outside a lot but my mom did not want to show those pictures because they had naked Gemma in them.P.S Thanks for saying our lawn was very green.

    Bunny =:]
