Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day gardening

Pumpkin plants finally getting in the ground:

My finished 2nd strawberry bed (we had to replant one petunia and 2 marigolds that didn't make it):

Marcus tilled the garden today! I didn't get around to order our normal load of cow compost, so Marcus used our pony poop this year. The soil is already pretty good after 2 years of heavy amendments, so we just had to give a pony boost to certain areas where the soil was not quite as rich. I was out there right away doing my favorite thing: planning!

I was able to fit in all my tomato cages, 21 in all I think. I'll buy the plants later this week. I used scrap lumber to sketch out my "beds" and you can probably see the old pieces of mini-fence too. Gemma liked those; she asked, "Is that where the cows go?". I told her yes dear. Then she asked, "Can we ride the cows?". Sure, dear. Then she proceeded to talk about when and how we would get said cows, something about fitting them in the big van. :o)

This year we'll probably plant zucchini, basil, eggplant, a few peppers even though we never eat them, wax beans, annual flowers, pumpkins, and sunflowers in addition to our main crop, tomatoes. I'm hoping to be done this week so I can switch gears to getting ready for the baby coming in less than a month....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I love planning too!

    The kids are growing so much, sometimes that makes me sad since I haven't seen them in so long! How old is Bunny in that first photo, 16?! And last time I saw Gemma she was just saying "dah?".

    Love those kids! Miss you lots!
