Saturday, July 12, 2014

Gemma gives a garden tour

The garden is doing well with all the late-June rain and sun!  Here's the incomparable Gemma, giving us a garden tour:

Gemma is showing off the new patio, herb bed, and stairs.
Perennials and annuals are looking good.
Can you see the hummingbird in the bee balm?
Seeds coming up, flowers in bloom, hot/cold bed looking good.
Tomatoes are almost as tall as Gemma already!
Another view of the new patio (we love it!).
Japanese garden area is getting a LOT of progress: the fence
posts are up and the tea house is getting started.
Gemma loves playing hopscotch on the new patio (some
pavers are squares, and the others are 2 sizes of rectangles).
A garden view, from the octagonal deck.


  1. Everything looks beautiful. Can't wait until we can come and see it someday.

    1. We are ready to have you out here anytime!! And I really mean that!! (Start looking for cheap fares now.....) :o)

  2. Just BEAUTIFUL!!! The new patio is awesome!
